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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New & updated look

Sam's Taste of Chaos now has a new look and feel.  When we originally went live a week ago, we could not have expected the huge amount of interest it would generate.  We were more focused on the content and felt the look would be adjusted as readership dictated.  But thanks to all of you, the amount of traffic has taken us by surprise.  Because of that, we were forced to turn our focus to the design and we hope that you like what we have for you.

On the new page, you will find links to my Twitter & Facebook profiles as well as the ability to subscribe to the Sam's Taste of Chaos RSS Feed.  More posts will be available on the home page and you will also find a list of blogs that I think you will find worth reading.  You will also begin to see some internet ads.  Just like you, we need to pay the bills.  They're not spam or viruses.  Feel free to click on any that might interest you (I promise they are safe).

As before, there is still a box to share any of our posts on Twitter & Facebook, you can email a post or link directly to it from your own website. 

We will continue trying to improve your experience with us, but we need your feedback.  Please feel free to say anything and everything.  I will always try to respond as well as I can.

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